Beginning with AsterStudy and Salome-Meca on Windows

This post is a step-by-step tutorial for beginners wishing to start with the new AsterStudy interface on Windows. This is an update compared to this post, published a few months ago, before AsterStudy came out. We are going to proceed the same way here:

  • Pick up an existing case
  • Run the case
  • Analyze results

This time, each step is exclusively achieved using Salome-Meca on Windows.

Pick up an existing case

Let’s assume that you are familiar with the Salome installation process and already unzipped the Salome-Meca archive from our download page.

Double click on run_salome.bat

run_salome.bat file

and let’s wait until Salome-Meca for Windows  gets started …

Salome-Meca launching on Windows 7 64 bits

It is not necessary to allow access to the network when asked by Salome services.

Cancel firewall for Salome-Meca on Windows 7 64 bits

Once Salome-Meca is started, click on AsterStudy icon to activate AsterStudy module and select New to create a new study.

Salome-Meca AsterStudy module launching on Windows 7 64 bits

To import an existing case, activate the History View tab. Then select in the menu,  Operations -> Import a testcase

Import a testcase in Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

As for the previous post, we will deal with the forma02a case.

Testcase choose on Code_Aster website

Fill in the lineedit with “forma02a” and click on the OK button.

Choose a testcase in Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

The forma02a case should now be loaded in AsterStudy.

Run the case

Before to run the case, we need to define the output files.

We are not going to be interested by MACR_LIGN_COUPE output. Unfold the graphical view and right click on MACR_LIGN_COUPE command and select Delete.

Graphical edition of a case in Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

Do the same for it’s corresponding output IMPR_TABLE.

Remove an output result in Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

We are interested in IMPR_RESU command, double click on Set output results and wait for the Edit command right panel to appear. Then click on the “…” button to select the result file location.

Set up an output Code_Aster result in Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

Select a directory and a file name for your result file, for example “forma02a.rmed” and click on Save button.

Choose an output Code_Aster result file name using Windows explorer

Then click on Apply button.

Validate the command edition in Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

Click on OK button and go back to the History View tab.

Before to be able to run Code_Aster, the Salome-Meca study should be saved. Click on the save icon button, then select a folder and choose a file name, for example  forma02 and click on Save button.

Choose a file name to save the Salome-Meca study using Windows explorer

Click on the red square button for a green plus to appear, then click on Run button in AsterStudy interface. The AsterStudy Run window should appear. Click on Run button from this window to launch the solver.

Preparing to run Code_Aster via Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

AsterStudy has launched Code_Aster Windows. We can wait for the job to end.

Code_Aster case is running via Salome-Meca AsterStudy module on Windows 7 64 bits

Analyze results

Once the job is completed, it is possible to display the message file via the Show message file Button.

Viewing the Code_Aster message output in the external Salome-Meca editor after a successful AsterStudy launch on Windows 7 64 bits

It is possible to directly open the result file in Paravis module from AsterStudy. Go back to the Case view tab and Data Files tab. Then right click on forma02a.rmed and choose Open In Paravis.

Directly open a Code_Aster output result in Salome_Meca ParaVis module from AsterStudy on Windows 7 64 bits

Once in paravis module, results can be explored as it is done in the previous post.

Code_Aster output result opened in Salome_Meca ParaVis module on Windows 7 64 bits

Follow this post to see more about post-processing with paravis.


This post demonstrate how AsterStudy and Salome-Meca made it easy to begin with Code_Aster on Windows. Many complete tutorials presented on Linux are feasible using this Salome-Meca and AsterStudy version. As an example, you can follow this brief presentation of a successfully reproduced tutorial on Windows.

20 thoughts on “Beginning with AsterStudy and Salome-Meca on Windows

  1. Currently the message file is written with the cp1252 encoding which results in numerous incorrectly displayed characters (such as “Version 13.4.0 modifiÚe le 29/06/2017”, “d’Úchange”), is it possible to correct these by changing the encoding to UTF8 for instance? Thanks


    1. Hello,
      ELNO corresponds to a field stored by element, one value for each element node; ELGA corresponds to a field stored by element, one value for each element Gauss point.
      Theses fields cannot be displayed directly but are accessible via menu bar Filter -> Mechanics. To display SIEF_ELNO as a surface one can use Filter -> Mechanics -> ‘ELNO field to surface’. Color by RESU____SIEF_ELNO will be available in th new created entry. More info here


  2. Hello,
    I have tried to load other testcases given in the codeaster website. I can not find the testcases PERF0xx,
    xx going from 1 to 16.In particular, I am looking for the PERF014a, b and c. Where can I find them ?


  3. Hello, I just installed, and don’t find my answer in FAQ.
    1. When I click on AsterStudy, and New case, I don’t have “operation” in Menu. What is wrong?
    2. I noticed that the logo is not the samme as on the tutotorial,n I don’t have the Orange W on AsterStudy


  4. Good morning. I downloaded the latest 2019 version on a laptop with Windows 10 and followed the steps.
    After I started the analysis, the hourglass started to rotate and nothing more happens.
    When I checked the stderr_command_salome.log file found in folder C:\Temp\CodeAster\forma02a_Files\RunCase_1\Result-forma02a
    i found “abnormal abort” messages.
    Can you please advise what am I doing wrong?


    Code_Aster run

    Command line 1 :
    C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\bin\aster C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\lib\aster\Execution\ -commandes fort.1 –num_job=513 –mode=interactif –rep_outils=C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\outils –rep_mat=C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\share\aster\materiau –rep_dex=C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\share\aster\datg –numthreads=1 –suivi_batch –tpmax=60.0 –memjeveux=64.0
    # ——————————————————————————————
    Code_Aster run ended, diagnostic : _ABNORMAL_ABORT

    Thank you very much


  5. Hi, downloaded and unzipped “Salome-Meca 2019 W64 Fix” and started running few test cases – forma02a, forma01a

    For all the test cases, RunCase_1 is going on indefinitely with a rotating hourglass icon and not giving any result. I changed amount of RAM up to 16 GB. Still the run is not getting complete even after 30 minutes and no error shown in python3.exe window.

    I have unzipped the sm-2019-w64-1.2 folder in E drive but AsterStudy Workdir is getting created in C Drive-Users-AppData – Local – Temp directory. Could this be the reason? Should I keep the Salome-Meca folder in C Drive only?

    Can you please help on this? Thanks.


    1. Reply received from Mr Luca for same query asked through contact form – It works.

      Hi Kiran,

      Did you try the refresh button ? There is also an autorefresh combo box on the page which is (I do not know why) to 0 secs by default

      Hope this helps, best regards,



  6. To add to my above post, after I close the Salome-Meca window, following text appears in background python3.exe window:

    This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “windows”
    in “”.

    Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.


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